Hans-Peter Plag, Research Professor
Now at: Old Dominion University
Hans-Peter's Interests:
Areas of expertise
- Solid Earth geophysics
- Global geodynamics
- Rheology of the Earth's mantle and continuums mechanics
- Deformation of the solid Earth
- Earth system dynamics
- Time series analyses
- Space geodesy and geodetic reference frames
Research topics addressed
- Rheology of the Earth mantle;
- Geophysical phenomena and geodetic observations related to global geodetic reference frames;
- Monitoring, analyzing variations, and modeling physical parameters of the Earth
system from global to local spatial scales and temporal scales from minutes
to millenia, including, but not limited to earth rotation, displacements of
the Earth surface, fluxes in the global water cycle, sea level, atmospheric
water content, air pressure, temperature, wind, ...
- Sea level fluctuations and global climate change;
- Earth Rotation Studies and integration of the solid Earth into Earth system models;
- Deformations of the Earth due to exogenic forcing, particularly postglacial rebound
and atmospheric, oceanic, hydrological and cryospheric loading;
- General approach to studies of the Earth system;