Citation of NGL Data Products
When using NGL data products, please cite with: Blewitt et al.(2018).
See THIS LINK for suggested full citation text.
Many individual stations also have a data citation.
Please also cite the data citation(s) for the station(s) you use if they exist.
The data citation information is available on each station page if we have been able to find it.
Funding and Other Acknowledgements
The establishment and occupation of the NEARNET and MAGNET GPS Networks, and the development of GPS data products has been funded through various sources and programs.
Department of Energy projects:
- DE_FG36-02ID14311, Geothermal Energy Program, Targeting of Potential Geothermal Resources in the Great Basin from Spatial and Temporal Relationships between Geodetic Strain and Geological Structures
- FC-08-98NV12081, Task 3 of a cooperative agreement with UNR, Geodetic Monitoring of the Yucca Mountain Region Using Continuous Global Positioning System Measurements
- Reconnaissance InSAR and GPS Surface Deformation Analysis of the Salt Wells and Stillwater Geothermal Areas, 2013 Faculty Seed Grants through the Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy, to Bell and Hammond.
- EE0006760, Poroelastic Tomography by Adjoint Inverse Modeling of Data from Seismology, Geodesy, and Hydrology, to Kreemer
NASA projects:
- NNX09AD24G, Geodetic Imaging of Earth's Surface Deformation Using Integrated InSAR and GPS Observations, to Hammond, Plag, Kreemer, Blewitt
- NNX14AJ52A, Plug and Play GPS for Earth Scientists: Providing Immediate Access to Low-Latency Geodetic Products for Rapid Modeling and Analysis of Natural Hazards, with UNAVCO, to Blewitt, Hammond, Kreemer
- NNX14AJ98G, Observation-Driven Projectiongs of Future Regional Sea Level Change, to Blewitt and Hammond (subaward from University of Colorado, lead PI Steve Nerem)
- NNX16AK89G, GPS Imaging of Solid Earth's Flex and Flow, to Blewitt, Hammond, Kreemer
- NSSC17K0565, Using Satellite Measurements to Improve Regional Estimates of the Impacts of Sea Level Change, subcontract from Univ. Colorado (PI Steve Nerem) to Hammond and Blewitt
- In response to ROSES-2016 NNH16ZDA001N, Global interconnections of Cryosphere and Solid Earth, Sea-level Change and Ice Mass Balance, subcontract from JPL (PI Erik Ivins) to Blewitt and Hammond
- 80NSSC19K1044, GPS Imaging of time-variable Earth deformation for multi-disciplinary science, to Blewitt, Hammond, and Kreemer
- 80NSSC22K0463, Improving and expanding GPS data products to address key challenges of solid Earth science, to Blewitt, Hammond, Kreemer, and Argus (JPL)
NSF projects:
- 0610031, Quasi-Block Modeling of Walker Lane Tectonic Deformation, Using Geodetic and Geologic Data to Constrain System Complexity and Time-Variable Behavior to Hammond, Blewitt, Kreemer.
- 0635757, Integrated Geologic and Geodetic Study of Strain Accumulation and Release in the Northern Walker Lane to Wesnousky, Kreemer, Hammond.
- SCEC project 11128, Inversions for fault slip using geodetic and geologic data for UCERF3: Block modeling using GPS velocities corrected for viscoelastic postseismic relaxation, to Hammond
- 0844389, Revealing the Nature of Contemporary Uplift and Collapse in the Sierra Nevada - Great Basin System to Blewitt, Plag, Hammond
- 1252210, Revealing the Nature of Contemporary Uplift and Collapse in the Sierra Nevada - Great Basin System (II) to Blewitt, Plag, Hammond
- 0952166, Geodetic Constraints on the Kinematics of the Colorado Plateau and its Western and Southern Margin to Kreemer
- 1053356, Using Geodesy to Separate Transient and Steady Extension in the Basin and Range Province, Western United States, to Hammond and Blewitt
- 1033462, SCEC project 14209, Measuring Ventura Area Uplift: A Four-Technique Geodetic Study of Vertical Tectonics Combining GPS, InSAR, Leveling and Tide Gauges, to Hammond and Reed Burgette
- 1615253, Collaborative Research: Using GPS to Unravel the Long-Term Kinematics and Dynamics of the American Southwest from an Ever-Changing Deformation Field, to Kreemer and Blewitt
- 1945716, RAPID: Collaborative: Response to the Searles Valley Earthquake Sequence, to Hammond
USGS National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program projects (USGS NEHRP):
- 07HQGR0027, Estimating seismic hazard in the Basin and Range Province using horizontal GPS data: Collaborative Research between the University of Nevada, Reno and the USGS, to Hammond and Kreemer
- 08HQGR0027, Geodetic Constraints on the Slip Rate of the Mohawk Valley Fault Zone, California, to Kreemer and Hammond
- G10AC00138, Western Great Basin Seismic and Geodetic Network Operations, 2010-2014, to Hammond, Biasi, Kent, Smith
- G11AP20023, Using GPS to Measure Slip Rate of the Honey Lake Fault, California, to Hammond and Kreemer
- G13AP0018, Geodetic Constraints on Fault Slip Rates and Seismic Hazard in the Greater Las Vegas Area, to Kreemer and Hammond
- G15AC00078, Western Great Basin Geodetic Network Operations, 2015-2020, to Hammond and Blewitt
- G17AP00004, Robust estimation of fault slip, block rotation, and off-fault strain rates in the Walker Lane from GPS data, to Hammond
- G20AC00046, Western Great Basin Geodetic Network Operations: MAGNET 2020-2025
Other Support
- Idaho National Laboratory, and Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC (BEA), Analysis of Geodetic Data for Fault Slip Rates, to Hammond
- Jet Propulson Laboratory, Applications of UNR's GNSS Data Catalog to OPERA Surface Displacement Validation, to Hammond
The GPS data analysis is carried out with the GISPY-OASIS-II software package and analysis products provided to us by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California.
Some of the the material presented on this web site is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under the above grant numbers.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.