Yuan, P., Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C., Jiang, W., Liu, T., He, L., Shan, Q., Balidakis, K., Schuh, H., Wickert, J., Deng, Z., 2025,
A Global Assessment of Diurnal Discontinuities in ERA5 Tropospheric Zenith Total Delays Using 10 Years of GNSS Data ,
accepted for Geophysical Research Letters,
Young, Z, G. Blewitt, C. Kreemer, 2024,
Improved GPS tropospheric path delay estimation using variable random walk process noise,
Journal of Geodesy, 98:89, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-024-01898-3.
Miller, N., C. Kreemer, W.C Hammond, G. Blewitt, 2024,
Geodetic Evidence for Distributed Shear Below the Brittle Crust of the Walker Lane, Western United States,
J. Geophys. Res. - Solid Earth, 129.(9),
Kreemer, C., I. Zaliapin, D. Kraaijpoel, 2024,
Chapter 3 - On the use of GNSS-inferred crustal strain accumulation in evaluating seismic potential,
in GNSS Monitoring of the Terrestrial Environment, Editors: Yosuke Aoki, Corné Kreemer, p. 41-63.
Aoki, Y., C. Kreemer, 2024,
Chapter 1 - Introduction,
in GNSS Monitoring of the Terrestrial Environment,
Editors: Yosuke Aoki, Corné Kreemer, p. 1-10,
Stamps, S., C. Kreemer, 2024,
Open Access GNSS Data for Studies of the Lithosphere,
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25, e2024GC011567,
Li, Z., Hao, M., Hammond, W.C., Cheng, F., Zhang, G., Wang, Q., Liu, L., Hou, B., Gan, W., 2024,
Geodetic constraints on three-component motion of the Ordos Block (China) and their implications for lithospheric dynamics,
GSA Bulletin, 136 (11-12), p. 5217–5230, https://doi.org/10.1130/B37423.1
Hammond, W.C., C. Kreemer, G. Blewitt, 2024,
Robust imaging of fault slip rates in the Walker Lane and Western Great Basin from GPS data using a multi-block model approach,
J. Geophys Res. - Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB028044. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JB028044, PDF.
Also newly published online are two groups of codes related to this research that are used to perform the analyses:
Johnson, K., W.C. Hammond, R. Weldon, 2024,
Review of geodetic and geologic deformation models for 2023 US National Seismic Hazard Model,
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 114(3), p. 1407–1436, https://doi.org/10.1785/0120230137.
Blewitt, G., 2024,
An improved equation of latitude and a global system of graticule distance coordinates,
Journal of Geodesy, 98:6, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-023-01815-0.
Jahnke, B., H. Sone, H. Guo, C. Sherman, I. Warren, C. Kreemer, C.H. Thurber, F.L. Feigl, and the WHOLESCALE Team, 2023,
Geomechanical analysis of the geothermal reservoir at San Emidio, Nevada,
Geothermics, 110, 102683, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2023.102683.
Li, X, W.C. Hammond, I.K.D. Pierce, J. M. Bormann, Z. Zhang, C. Li, W. Zheng, P. Zhang, 2023,
Present-day strike-slip faulting and intracontinental deformation of North China: Constraints from improved GPS observations,
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 24(7), GGGE23102, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GC010781.
Yuan, P., Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C., Hammond, W.C., Argus, D., Yin, X., Van Malderen, R., Mayer, M., Jiang, W., Awange, J., Kutterer, H.,
An enhanced integrated water vapour dataset from more than 10,000 global ground-based GPS stations in 2020,
Earth System Science Data, 15, 723-743,
The dataset with 5-min integrated water vapor from 12,552 GPS stations worldwide in 2020
is available for download at: https://zenodo.org/record/6973528
and can be cited directly as:
Yuan, P., Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C., Hammond, W.C., Argus, D., Yin, X., Van Malderen, R., Mayer, M., Jiang, W., Awange, J., & Kutterer, H., 2022,
An enhanced integrated water vapour dataset from more than 10,000 global ground-based GPS stations in 2020 [Data set].
Zenodo, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6973528
Young, Z, C. Kreemer, W.C. Hammond, and G. Blewitt, 2023,
Interseismic strain accumulation between the Colorado Plateau and the Eastern California Shear Zone: Implications for the seismic hazard near Las Vegas, Nevada,
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 113(2), 856-876, https://doi.org/10.1785/0120220136.
Kreemer, C. and Z. Young, 2022,
Crustal strain rates in the Western United States and their relationship with earthquake rates,
Seismological Research Letters, 93(6), 2990-3008,
Hasterok, D., J.A. Halpin, A.S. Collins, M. Hand, C. Kreemer, M.G. Gard, and S. Glorie, 2022,
New maps of global geological provinces and tectonic plates,
Earth-Science Reviews, 231, 104069, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104069.
Overacker, J. W.C. Hammond, C. Kreemer, G. Blewitt, 2022,
Vertical land motion of the High Plains Aquifer region of the United States: Effect of aquifer confinement style, climate variability, and anthropogenic activity,
v. 58(6), e2021WR031635, Water Resources Research, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021WR031635.
Hatch-Ibarra, R., R.E. Abercrombie, C. Ruhl, K.D. Smith, W.C. Hammond, I.K.D. Pierce,
The 2016 Nine Mile Ranch Earthquakes: Hazard and Tectonic Implications of Orthogonal Conjugate Faulting in the Walker Lane,
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 112, (3): 1727-1741, https://doi.org/10.1785/0120210149.
Pollitz, F.F., C.W. Wicks, W.C. Hammond, 2022,
Kinematic slip model of the 2021 M6.0 Antelope Valley, California, earthquake, The Seismic Record, 2 (1): 20-28,
Faulds, J.E., R.D. Koehler, K.D. Smith, C. Kreemer, W.C. Hammond, C.M. dePolo, G. Kent, 2021,
Review of previous geologic, paleoseismic, seismic, and geodetic studies at Yucca Mountain, Nevada: Implications for understanding seismic hazards at the proposed high-level nuclear waste repository
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Report 59, 50 p.,
Free download.
Young, Z, C. Kreemer, and G. Blewitt, 2021,
GPS Constraints on Drought-Induced Groundwater Loss Around Great Salt Lake, Utah, with Implications for Seismicity Modulation,
J. Geophys. Res. - Solid Earth, 126, e2021JB022020,
Harvey, T.C.,
B.D. Hamlington, T. Frederikse, R.S. Nerem, C.G. Piecuch, W.C. Hammond, G. Blewitt, P.R. Thompson, F.W. Landerer, R.E. Kopp, J. Reager, D. Baekert, H. Chandanpurkar, I. Fenty, D. Trossman, J. Walker, C. Boening,
Ocean mass, sterodynamic effects and vertical land motion largely explain US coast relative sea level rise,
Nature Communications Earth and Environment, 2, 233, Open access at: https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-021-00300-w | www.nature.com/commsenv.
Hammond, W.C., G. Blewitt, C. Kreemer, and R.S. Nerem, 2021,
Global vertical land motion for studies of sea level rise,
J. Geophys. Res. - Solid Earth, 126(7), e2021JB022355,
https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB022355 or
See the data product that refers to this article: >>HERE<<.
Broermann, J., R.A. Bennett, C. Kreemer, G. Blewitt, and P.A. Peartree, 2021,
Geodetic extension across the southern Basin and Range and Colorado Plateau,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, v. 126(6), e2020JB021355, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JB021355.
This article was selected by editors to appear in a research spotlight in Eos.
Li, Z., and C. Kreemer, 2021,
Eastward mantle flow field underneath east Asia quantified by combining shear-wave splitting orientations and absolute plate motion observations,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 566,
Li, X., I.K.D. Pierce, J. Bormann, W.C. Hammond, C. Li, W. Zheng, P. Zhang, 2021,
Contemporary deformation of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau and its surroundings revealed from GPS block model,
J. Geophys. Res. - Solid Earth, v 126, 5, e2020JB020733,
special section on the 100-year anniversary of the great 1920 Haiyuan Earthquake: What have we learnt on large continental earthquakes and faults?.
Yu, C., Z. Li, G. Blewitt,
Global comparisons of ERA5 and the operational HRES tropospheric delay and water vapor products with GPS and MODIS,
Earth and Space Science, 8, e2020EA001417,
Pan, Y., W. C. Hammond, H. Ding, R. Mallick, X. Xu, C. K. Shum, W. Shen, R. Chen, 2021,
GPS Imaging of vertical bedrock displacements: Quantification of two-dimensional vertical crustal deformation in China,
J. Geophys. Res. - Solid Earth, v. 126(4), e2020JB020951, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JB020951.
Argus, D.F., W.R. Pletier, G. Blewitt, C. Kreemer, 2021,
The viscosity of the top third of the lower mantle estimated using GPS, GRACE, and relative sea level measurements of glacial isostatic adjustment,
J. Geophys. Res. - Solid Earth, 126, e2020JB021537, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JB021537.
Stamps, D.S., C. Kreemer, R.M.S. Fernandes, T.A. Rajaonarison, and G. Rambolamanama, 2021,
Redefining East African Rift System kinematics,
Geology 49(2), 150-155, https://doi.org/10.1130/G47985.1 .
Kreemer, C. and G. Blewitt,
Robust estimation of spatially-varying common-mode components in GPS time-series,Journal of Geodesy, 95, 13, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-020-01466-5.
Pollitz, F.F., W.C. Hammond, C.W. Wicks, 2020,
Rupture process of the M6.5 Stanley, Idaho, earthquake inferred from seismic waveform and geodetic data,Seismological Research Letters, 92(2A), 699-709, https://doi.org/10.1785/0220200315.
Hammond, W.C., G. Blewitt, C. Kreemer, R. Koehler and S. Dee, 2020,
Geodetic observation of seismic cycles before, during and after the 2020 Monte Cristo Range, Nevada Earthquake,
Seismological Research Letters, 92(2A), 647-662, https://doi.org/10.1785/0220200338.
Martens, H.R, D.F. Argus, C. Norberg, G. Blewitt, T.A. Herring, A.W. Moore, W.C. Hammond, C. Kreemer, 2020,
Atmospheric pressure loading in GPS positions: dependency on GPS processing methods and effect on assessment of seasonal deformation in the contiguous USA and Alaska,
Journal of Geodesy, 94,
Argus, D.F., B. Ratcliff, C. DeMets, A.A. Borsa, D.N. Weiss, G. Blewitt, J.W. Crowley, H.R. Martens, C. Kreemer, 2020,
Rise of Great Lakes surface water, sinking of the upper Midwest of the United States, and viscous collapse of the forebulge of the former Laurentide ice sheet,
J. Geophys. Res. - Solid Earth, 125, e2020JB019739, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JB019739.
Reinisch, E.C., M. Cardiff, C. Kreemer, J. Akerley, and K.L. Feigl, 2020,
Time-series analysis of volume change at Brady Hot Springs, Nevada, USA using geodetic data from 2003-2018,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JB017816.
Kreemer, C., G. Blewitt, P. Davis, 2020,
Geodetic evidence for a buoyant mantle plume beneath the Eifel volcanic area, NW Europe,
Geophysical Journal International, 222.
(2), p. 1316-1332, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggaa227.
Hammond, W.C. and N. D'Agostino, 2020,
GPS Imaging of Mantle Flow-Driven Uplift of the Apennines, Italy,
manuscript #2020JB019988, in revision for J. Geophys. Res. - Solid Earth,
preprint at ESSOAR.
Johnson, K., W.C. Hammond, R. Burgette, S.T. Marshall, and C.C. Sorlien, 2020,
Present-day and long-term uplift across the Western Transverse Ranges of Southern California,
J. Geophys. Res. - Solid Earth, 125, 8,
Hamlington, B. D., Gardner, A. S., Ivins, E., Lenaerts, J. T. M., Reager, J.T., Trossman, D. S., Zaron, E. D.,
Adhikari, S., Arendt, A., Aschwanden, A. Beckley, B. D., Bekaert, D. P. S., Blewitt, G., Caron, L., Chambers, D. P.,
Chandanpurkar, H. A., Christianson, K., Csatho, B., Cullather, R. I., DeConto, R. M., Fasullo, J. T., Frederikse, T.,
Freymueller, J. T., Gilford, D. M., Girotto, M., Hammond, W. C., Hock, R., Holschuh, N., Kopp, R. E., Landerer, F.,
Larour, E., Menemenlis, D., Merrifield, M., Mitrovica, J. X., Nerem, R. S., Nias, I. J., Nieves, V., Nowicki, S.,
Pangaluru, K., Piecuch, C. G., Ray, R. D., Rounce, D. R., Schlegel, N.-J., Seroussi, H., Shirzaei, M., Sweet, W. V.,
Velicogna, I., Vinogradova, N., Wahl, T., Wiese, D. N., Willis, M. J.,
Understanding of Contemporary Regional Sea-level Change and the Implications for the Future,Reviews of Geophysics, 58(3), e2019RG000672, http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2019RG000672.
Sandwell, D., S. Bettadpur, G. Blewitt, J.J. Braun, A. Cazenave, N. Glenn, K.M. Larson, R.S. Nerem, M. Sneed, I. Velicogna, 2020,
Evolving the Geodetic Infrastructure to Meet New Scientific Needs: Washington, DC:The National Academies Press.
Blewitt, G. and J. Boehm, 2019, Commission 1 – Reference Frames,
International Association of Geodesy TRAVAUX , 41, 127 pp.,pdf
Murray, J.R., N. Bartlow, Y. Bock, B.A. Brooks, J. Foster, J. Freymueller, W.C. Hammond, K. Hodgkinson, I. Johanson, A. Lopez-Venegas, D. Mann, G.S. Mattioli, T. Melbourne, D. Mencin, E. Montgomery-Brown, M.H. Murray, R. Smalley, V. Thomas,
Regional Global Navigation Satellite System networks for crustal deformation monitoring,
Seismological Research Letters, 91(2A), 552-572, https://doi.org/10.1785/0220190113.
Hammond, W.C., C. Kreemer, I. Zaliapin, G. Blewitt, 2019, Drought-triggered magmatic inflation, crustal strain and seismicity near the Long Valley Caldera, Central Walker Lane, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 124(6), p. 6072–6091, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JB017354.
Anderson, J. G., R.D. Koehler, R. Abercrombie, S. K. Ahdi, S. Angster, J. Bormann, J. N. Brune, S.M. Dee, C. dePolo, S.E. Dickinson, M. Dunn, J.E. Faulds, W.C. Hammond, R. Hatch, A. Kell, G. Kent, C. Kreemer, J. Louie, I. Pierce, C.J. Ruhl, K.D. Smith, W. Taylor, S.G. Wesnousky, I. Wong,
A seismic hazards overview of the urban regions of Nevada: Recent advancements and research directions,Seismological Research Letters, 90, (4), p. 1577-1583,
Husson, L., T. Bodin, G. Spada, G. Choblet, and C. Kreemer, 2018,
Bayesian surface reconstruction of geodetic uplift rates: Mapping the global fingerprint of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment,
Journal of Geodynamics, 122,
p. 25-40, doi:10.1016/j.jog.2018.10.002
(Free Access Link).
Blewitt, G., W.C. Hammond, C. Kreemer, 2018, Harnessing the GPS Data Explosion for Interdisciplinary Science, Eos, 99, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018EO104623 (link).
Kreemer, C., and I. Zaliapin, 2018,
Spatio-temporal correlation between seasonal variations in seismicity and horizontal dilatational strain in California,
Geophysical Research Letters, 45.
(18), p. 9559-9568, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018GL079536.
Caron, L., E.R. Ivins, E. Larour, S. Adhikari, J. Nilsson, G. Blewitt, 2018,
GIA Model Statistics for GRACE Hydrology, Cryosphere, and Ocean Science,
Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 2203-2212, doi: 10.1002/2017GL076644, (Open Access Link).
Kraner, M.L., W.E. Holt, A.A. Borsa, 2018, Seasonal non‐tectonic loading inferred from cGPS as a potential trigger for the M6.0 South Napa Earthquake,,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, doi: 10.1029/2017JB015420, (Full Access Link).
Kreemer, C., W.C. Hammond, Blewitt, G., 2018, A robust estimation of the 3D intraplate deformation of the North American plate from GPS, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 123, 4388-4412, doi: 10.1029/2017JB015257, (Open Access Link).
Roberts, B. M., Blewitt, G., Dailey, C., Derevianko, A., 2018, Search for transient ultralight dark matter signatures with networks of precision measurement devices using a Bayesian statistics method, Physical Review D, 97, 083009, doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.97.083009, (PDF/link).
Melgar, D., X. Pérez‐Campos, L. Guzman, Z. Spica, V. Hugo, E., W.C. Hammond, E. Cabral‐Cano, 2018,
Bend faulting at the edge of a flat slab: The 2017 Mw7.1 Puebla‐Morelos, Mexico earthquake,
Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 2633-2641, doi: 10.1002/2017GL076895, (Full Access Link).
Stamps, D.S., E. Saria, C. Kreemer, 2018,
A geodetic strain rate model for the East African Rift System,
Scientific Reports 8, 732, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-19097-w, (link/PDF).
Hammond, W.C., R.J. Burgette, K.M. Johnson, G. Blewitt, 2018,
Uplift of the Western Transverse Ranges and Ventura area of Southern California: A four-technique geodetic study combining GPS, InSAR, leveling and tide gauges,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, v 123(1), p. 836-858, https://doi.org/10.1002/2017JB014499 (Full Access Link/content share link).
Roberts, B. M., Blewitt, G., Dailey, C., Murphy, M., Pospelov, M., Rollings, A., Sherman, J., Williams, W., Derevianko, A., 2017, Search for domain wall dark matter with atomic clocks on board global positioning system satellites, Nature Communications, 8 (1195), doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01440-4, (PDF/link).
Kraner, M., 2017,
Evaluating Seasonal Deformation in the Vicinity of Active Fault Structures in Central California Using GPS Data, University of Nevada, Reno, Masters Thesis
Zaliapin, I., and C. Kreemer, 2017,
Systematic fluctuations in the global seismic moment release, Geophysical Research Letters,
doi:10.1002/2017GL073504 (link/PDF).
Weldon, R.J., G. de Lamare, D. Yule, W. C. Hammond, A. Streig, A. Sarmiento, T. Freeman, J. Shamma, M. Beikaie, A. Rodriquez, 2017,
San Andreas Fault-South Branch surface deformation modeling, Chapter 8 in Applied Geology in California, Special Publication Number 26, R. Anderson and H. Ferriz eds., ISBN 978-0-89863-399-3.
Hammond, W.C., G. Blewitt, C. Kreemer, 2016,
GPS Imaging of vertical land motion in California and Nevada: Implications for Sierra Nevada uplift,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 121(10), p. 7681-7703, doi: 10.1002/2016JB013458 (link/PDF).
Hamlington, B.D., P. Thompson, W.C. Hammond, G. Blewitt, R.D. Ray, 2016,
Assessing the impact of vertical land motion on 20th century global mean sea level estimates,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans,
121, 4980-4993, doi:10.1002/2016JC011747.
Gualandi, A., J.-P. Avouac, J. Galetzka, J.F. Genrich, G. Blewitt, L.B. Adhikari, B.P. Koirala, R. Gupta, B.N. Upreti, B. Pratt-Sitaula, J. Liu-Zeng, 2016, Pre- and post-seismic deformation related to the 2015, Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal,
Tectonophysics, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.06.014.
Bormann, J., W.C. Hammond, C. Kreemer, G. Blewitt, 2016,
Accommodation of missing shear strain in the Central Walker Lane, western North America: Constraints from dense GPS measurements, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 440, 169-177,
Blewitt, G., C. Kreemer, W.C. Hammond, J. Gazeaux, 2016, MIDAS Robust Trend Estimator for Accurate GPS Station Velocities Without Step Detection, Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JB012552.
Blewitt, G., Gazeaux, 2016, GPS, Reference Systems, in E.W. Grafarend (ed.), Encyclopedia of Geodesy, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland,, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-02370-0_92-1.
Donnellan, A., L. Grant Ludwig, J.W. Parker, J. B. Rundle, J. Wang, M. Pierce, G. Blewitt, and S. Hensley, 2015, Potential for a large earthquake near Los Angeles inferred from the 2014 La Habra earthquake, Earth and Space Science, 2, doi:10.1002/2015EA000113.
Keiding, M., C. Kreemer, C.D. Lindholm, S. Gradmann, O. Olesen and H.P. Kierulf, 2015. A comparison of strain rates and seismicity for Fennoscandia: depth dependency of deformation from glacial isostatic adjustmentGeophysical Journal International, 202, 1021-1028.
Aster, R, M. Simons, R. Burgmann, N. Gomez, W.C. Hammond, S. Holbrook, E. Chaussard, L. Stearns, G. Egbert, J. Hole, T. Lay, S. McNutt, M. Oskin, B. Schmandt, D. Schmidt, J. Vidale, L. Wagner, P. Winberry, 2015,
Future geophysical facilities required to address grand challenges in the Earth sciences, A Community report to the National Science Foundation.
Blewitt, 2015, Terrestrial reference frame requirements for studies of geodynamics and climate change,
International Association of Geodesy Symposia, 1-8, doi:10.1007/1345_2015_142.
Kreemer, C., G. Blewitt, and E.C. Klein, 2014, A geodetic plate motion and Global Strain Rate Model, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15, 3849-3889, doi:10.1002/2014GC005407.
Zheng, L., R.G. Gordon, and C. Kreemer, 2014, Absolute plate velocities from seismic anisotropy: Importance of correlated errors, Journal of Geophysical Research, 119, 7336-7352, doi:10.1002/2013JB010902.
Kreemer, C., and R.G. Gordon, 2014, Pacific plate deformation from horizontal thermal contraction, Geology, 42, 847-850, doi: 10.1130/G35874.1.
Hammond, W.C., G. Blewitt, C. Kreemer, 2014, Steady contemporary deformation of the central Basin and Range Province, western United States, Journal of Geophysical Research, 119, 5235-5253, doi:10.1002/2014JB011145.
Amos,C.B., P. Audet, W.C. Hammond, R. Burgmann, I.A. Johanson, G. Blewitt, 2014, Uplift and seismicity driven by groundwater depletion in central California, Nature, 509, p483-486, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature13275.
Petersen, M.D., Y. Zeng, K.M. Haller, R. McCaffrey, W.C. Hammond, P. Bird, M Moschetti, Z. Shen, J. Bormann, and W. Thatcher, 2014, Geodesy- and geology-based slip-rate models for the Western United States (excluding California) national seismic hazard maps: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013-1293, 80 p., http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/ofr20131293.
(open file report web page)
Collilieux, X., Z. Altamimi, D.F. Argus, C. Boucher, A. Dermanis, B.J. Haines, T.A. Herring, C. Kreemer, F.G. Lemoine, C. Ma, D.S. MacMillan, J. Makinen, L. Métivier, J.C. Ries, F.N. Teferle and X. Wu, 2014, External evaluation of the Terrestrial Reference Frame: report of the task force of the IAG sub-commission 1.2, Proceedings of the IAG General Assembly, eds. C. Rizos and P. Willis, 139, 197-202, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-37222-3_25.
Blewitt, G., C. Kreemer, W.C. Hammond and J. Goldfarb (2013). Terrestrial reference frame NA12 for crustal deformation studies in North America, Journal of Geodynamics, 72, pp. 11-24, ISSN 0264-3707, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2013.08.004.
Hammond, W.C. and J.W. Bell, 2013, Structural controls on geothermal reservoir deformation at Stillwater, Nevada from InSAR and GPS data, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 37, p. 11-15.
Parsons, T., K.M. Johnson, P. Bird, J.M. Bormann, T.E. Dawson, E.H. Field, W.C. Hammond, T.A. Herring, R. McCaffrey, Z.-K. Shen, W.R. Thatcher, R.J. Weldon and Y. Zheng, 2013, Appendix C- Deformation models for UCERF3, USGS Open-File Report, v. 2013-1165, 66 pp.
(open file report web page)
Mencin, D., W.C. Hammond, and J. Langbein, 2012. Applications of real-time GPS for science and hazard monitoring, Community Workshop on Real-Time GPS Position Data Products and Formats, Boulder, Colorado, March 26-28, 2012, Eos, 93(50), p. 526.
(link - requires AGU access)
Kreemer, C. W.C. Hammond, G. Blewitt, A.A. Holland and R.A. Bennett, 2012. A geodetic strain rate model for the Pacific-North American
plate boundary, western United States.Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Map 178, scale 1:1,500,000.
(PDF - 40Mb)
Hammond, W.C., G. Blewitt, Z. Li, H.-P. Plag, and C. Kreemer 2012. Contemporary uplift of the Sierra Nevada, western United States, from
GPS and InSAR measurements.Geology, 40(7), 667-670, https://doi.org/10.1130/G32968.1.
Del Pardo, C., B.R. Smith-Konter, L.F. Serpa, C. Kreemer, G. Blewitt, and W.C. Hammond, 2012. Interseismic deformation and geologic evolution of the Death Valley Fault ZoneJournal of Geopgysical Research, 117, B06404, doi:10.1029/2011JB008552.
Wesnousky, S.G., J.M. Bormann, C. Kreemer, W.C. Hammond, and J.N. Brune, 2012. Neotectonics, geodesy, seismic hazard in the northern Walker Lane of western North America: Thirty kilometers of crustal shear and no strike-slip?Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 329-330, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2012.02.018.
Briggs, R.W. and Hammond, W.C., 2011. Evaluation of geodetic and geologic datasets in the Northern Walker Lane-Summary and recommendations of the Workshop: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1282, 76 p.
Argus, D.F., G. Blewitt, W.R. Peltier, and C. Kreemer, 2011. Rise of the Ellsworth mountains and parts of the East Antarctic
coast observed with GPS, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L16303, doi:10.1029/2011GL048025.
Hammond, W.C., B. A. Brooks, R. Bürgmann, T. Heaton, M. Jackson, A. R. Lowry, S. Anandakrishnan, 2011. Scientific value of real-time Global Positioning System data, Eos, 92(15), 125-132.
Hammond, W.C., G. Blewitt, C. Kreemer, 2011. Block modeling of crustal deformation of the northern Walker Lane and Basin and Range from GPS velocities, J. Geophys. Res., 116, B04402, doi:10.1029/2010JB007817.
Hammond, W.C., G. Blewitt, C. Kreemer, J.R. Murray-Moraleda, J. Svarc, 2011. Global Positioning System constraints on crustal deformation before and during the 21 February 2008 Wells, Nevada M6.0 earthquake, in C. dePolo and DD Lapointe (eds.) The 21 February 2008 Mw 6.0 Wells, Nevada Earthquake Special Publication, NBMG Special Publication 36.
C. A. Katsman, A. Sterl, J. J. Beersma, H. W. van den Brink, J. A. Church, W. Hazeleger, R. E. Kopp, D. Kroon, J. Kwadijk, R. Lammersen, J. Lowe, M. Oppenheimer, H.-P. Plag, J. Ridley, H. von Storch, D. G. Vaughan, P. Vellinga, L. L. A. Vermeersen, R. S. W. van de Wal, R. Weisse, 2011. Exploring high-end scenarios for local sea level rise to develop flood protection strategies for a low-lying delta - the Netherlands as an example. Climatic Change, DOI: 10.1007/s10584-011-0037-5.
Plag, H.-P. & Miller, N. M., 2011. Applying Geodesy to Hydrologic Cycle Monitoring. EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 92, 136.
Hammond, W.C., B. A. Brooks, R. Bürgmann, T. Heaton, M. Jackson, A. R. Lowry, 2010. The scientific value of high-rate, low-latency GPS data, A White Paper.
Minster, J.B., Z. Altamimi, G. Blewitt, W.E. Carter, A. Cazenave, H. Dragert, T.A. Herring, K.M. Larson, J.C. Ries, D.T. Sandwell, J.M. Wahr, J.L. Davis, 2010. Precise Geodetic Infrastructure: National Requirements for a Shared Resource, The National Academies Press, 142 pp, ISBN-10:0-309-15811-7, ISBN-13: 978-0-309-15811-4.
Link to free copy
Blewitt, G., Z. Altamimi, J. Davis, R. Gross, C.-Y. Kuo, F.G. Lemoine,
A.W. Moore, R.E. Neilan, H.-P. Plag, M. Rothacher, C.K. Shum, M.G.
Sideris, T. Schone, P. Tregoning, and S. Zerbini Geodetic observations and global reference frame contributions to understanding
sea-level rise and variability
in Understanding Sea-Level Rise and Variability, pp. 256-284, Eds. J. Church, P.L. Woodworth, T. Aarup, and S. Wilson, 2010. Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN: 978-1-443-3451-7.
Church J., T. Aarup, P. Woodworth, W. Wilson, R. Nicholls, R. Rayner, K.
Lambeck, G. Mitchum, K. Steffen, A. Cazenave, G. Blewitt, J. Mitrovica,
and J. Lowe Sea-level rise and variability: Synthesis and outlook for the future
in Understanding Sea-Level Rise and Variability, pp. 402-419, Eds. J. Church, P.L. Woodworth, T. Aarup, and S. Wilson, 2010. Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN: 978-1-443-3451-7.
Kreemer, C. G. Blewitt, and R.A. Bennett Present-day motion and deformation of the Colorado Plateau Geophysical Research Letters, v. 37., L10311, doi:10.1029/2010GL043374, 2010.
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Le Pichon, X., and C. Kreemer The Miocene to Present kinematic evolution of the eastern
Mediterranean and Middle East and its implications for dynamics Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, v. 38, p. 323-351, 2010.      
Kreemer, C. G. Blewitt, and W.C. Hammond Evidence for an active shear zone in southern Nevada linking
the Wasatch Fault to the Eastern California Shear Zone Geology, v. 38, p 475-478, 2010.      
Link to free copy
Hammond, W.C., C. Kreemer, G. Blewitt, and H.-P. Plag, 2010. Effect of viscoelastic relaxation on estimates of interseismic crustal strain accumulation at Yucca Mountain, Nevada.Geophysical Research Letters, L06307, doi:10.1029/2010GL042795.
Bird, P., C. Kreemer, and W.E. Holt, 2010. A long-term forecast of shallow seismicity based on the global strain rate map. Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 81, p. 184-194.
Flesch, L.M., and C. Kreemer Gravitational potential energy and regional stress and strain rate fields
for continental plateaus: Examples from the central Andes and Colorado Plateau Tectonophysics, Vol. 482, p. 182-192, 2010.      
Bormann, J.M., S. Wesnousky, W.C. Hammond, A. Sarmiento Holocene earthquakes on the Wassuk Range fault zone: Paleoseismic observations from the Rose Creek Fan, Hawthorne, Nevada, USA Geothermal Resources Council, Vol. 34, p. 391-395, 2010.      
Hammond, W.C., Z. Li, H.-P. Plag, C. Kreemer, and G. Blewitt Integrated InSAR and GPS studies of crustal deformation in the western Great Basin, western United States
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and Spatial Information Sciences. Volume XXXVIII, Part 8, Kyoto, Japan, ISSN 1682-1777, 2010.
Kreemer, C., 2009. Absolute plate motions constrained by shear wave splitting orientations with implications for hotspot motions and mantle flowJournal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 114, B10405, doi:10.1029/2009JB006416.
PDF, auxiliary table, and Link to high-resolution velocity model.
Blewitt, G., C. Kreemer, and W.C. Hammond (2009). Geodetic observation of contemporary deformation in the northern Walker Lane: 1. Semipermanent GPS strategy, p. 1–15, doi: 10.1130/2009.2447(01).
(link to GSA)PDF.
Kreemer C., G. Blewitt, and W.C. Hammond (2009). Geodetic constraints on contemporary deformation in the northern Walker Lane: 2. Velocity and strain rate tensor analysis, p. 17–31, doi: 10.1130/2009.2447(02).
(link to GSA)PDF.
Hammond, W.C., C. Kreemer, and G. Blewitt (2009). Geodetic constraints on contemporary deformation in the northern Walker Lane: 3. Central Nevada seismic belt postseismic relaxation, p. 33–54, doi: 10.1130/2009.2447(03).
(link to GSA)PDF.
Blewitt, G., W.C. Hammond, C. Kreemer, H.-P. Plag, S. Stein, and E. Okal GPS for real-time earthquake source determination and tsunami warning systems
Journal of Geodesy, Vol. 83, p. 335-343, 2009.      
Blewitt, G. Fixed point theorems of GPS carrier phase ambiguity resolution and
their application to massive network processing: Ambizap
Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 113, B12410, doi:10.1029/2008JB005736, 2008.      
Gross, R.S., D.A. Lavallée, G. Blewitt, and P.J. Clarke
Consistency of Earth rotation, gravity, and shape measurements
in Observing our Changing Earth, ed. M.G. Sideris, International
Association of Geodesy Symposia, Volume 133, 463-471, Springer Verlag,
Berlin, ISBN 978-3-540-85425-8, 2008.
Blewitt, G., GPS and Space Based Geodetic Methods
in Treatise on Geophysics, Vol. 3., pp. 351-390,
Ed. Thomas Herring, Ed.-in-chief Gerald Schubert, Academic Press, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 0-444-51928-9, 2007.      
Kreemer, C., and W.C. Hammond, Geodetic constraints on areal changes in the Pacific-North America
plate boundary zone: What controls Basin and Range extension?
Geology, Vol. 35, p. 943-946, 2007.      
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Here is a Link
to a related perspective article
Hammond, W.C. and W. Thatcher, 2007,
Crustal Deformation across the Sierra Nevada, Northern Walker Lane,
Basin and Range transition, western United States measured with GPS, 2000-2004
Journal of Geophysical Research,
Vol. 112, B05411, doi:10.1029/2006JB004625. 2007.      
Clarke, P.J., D.A. Lavallée, G. Blewitt, and T. van Dam, 2007, Basis functions for the consistent and accurate representation of surface mass loading
Geophys. Journ. Int., 10 pp.,doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03493.x, 2007.
Hammond, W.C., C. Kreemer, G. Blewitt
Exploring the
relationship between geothermal resources and geodetically inferred slip
rates on faults in the Great Basin
Geothermal Resources Council
Transactions, vol. 31, 2007.
Taylor, G.E., and G. Blewitt Intelligent Positioning: GIS-GPS Unification
John Wiley and Sons Ltd., London, UK., 200 pp., ISBN: 0-470-85003-5, 2006.      
This book can be ordered at:
[Wiley US];
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[Amazon US]; or
[Amazon UK]
Hill, E.M., and G. Blewitt Testing for fault activity at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, using
cross-validated GPS results from the BARGEN network
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33,
L14302, doi:10.1029/2006GL026140, 2006.      
Kreemer, C., G. Blewitt, and W.C. Hammond Using geodesy to explore correlations between crustal deformation characteristics and geothermal resources
Geothermal Resources Council Transactions
Vol. 30, p. 441-446, 2006.      
Shevenell, L., J. Bell, G. Blewitt, W. Calvin, M. Coolbaugh, J. Faulds, L. Garside, A. Gates, W. Hammond, C. Kratt, C. Kreemer, P. Lechler, G. Oppliger, C. Sladek, and R. Zehner Update of Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy Activities
Geothermal Resources Council Bulletin v. 35 (5-6), p.163-185, 2006.
Kreemer, C., D.A. Lavallée, G. Blewitt, and W.E. Holt On the stability of a geodetic no-net-
rotation reference frame and its implication for the International Terrestrial Reference Frame
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33, L17306, doi:10.1029/2006GL027058, 2006.      
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Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C., W.C. Hammond, H.-P. Plag, S. Stein, and E. Okal Rapid determination of earthquake magnitude using GPS for tsunami warning systems
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33, L11309, doi:10.1029/2006GL026145, 2006.      
Kreemer, C., G. Blewitt, and F. Maerten Co- and postseismic deformation of the 28 March 2005 Nias Mw 8.7 earthquake from continuous GPS data
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33, L07307, doi:10.1029/2005GL025566, 2006.      
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Kreemer, C., G. Blewitt, W.C. Hammond, and H.-P. Plag Global deformation from the great 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake observed by GPS:
Implications for rupture process and global reference frame
Earth, Planets, and Space, Vol. 58, p. 141-148, 2006.      
Pancha, A., J.G. Anderson, and C. Kreemer Comparison of seismic and geodetic scalar moment rates across the Basin and Range Province
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 96, p. 11-32, 2006.      
Plag, H.-P., G. Blewitt, C. Kreemer, and W.C. Hammond Solid Earth deformations induced by the Sumatra earthquakes of 2004-2005: GPS detection of co-seismic displacements and tsunami-induced loading
in Dynamic Planet - Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools, eds. Tregoning, P. and Rizos, C., International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Volume 130, 549-556, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2006.
Lavallée, D.A., T. Van Dam, G. Blewitt, and P.J. Clarke
Geocenter Motions from GPS: A Unified Observation Model
Journ. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, B05405, doi:10.1029/2005JB003784, 2006.
Plag, H.-P., 2005. The GGOS as the backbone for global observing and local monitoring: A user driven perspective, J. Geodynamics, 40, 479-486.
Hammond, W.C., 2005, The ghost of an earthquake, Science, Vol. 310, p. 1440-1442.
Hammond, W.C., and W. Thatcher, 2005. Northwest Basin and Range tectonic deformation observed with the Global Positioning System, 1999-2000. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 110, B10405, doi:10.1029/2005JB003678.
Blewitt, G., P. Clarke, D. Lavallée, and K. Nurutdinov Application of Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients and isomorphic frame transformations to invert Earth's changing geometrical shape for continental hydrological loading and sea level's passive response
in A Window on the Future of Geodesy, ed. F. Sanso, Int. Assoc. Geodesy Vol. 128, pp. 518-523, Springer, 2005.
Coolbaugh, M., R. Zehner, C. Kreemer, D. Blackwell, G. Oppliger, D. Sawatzky, G. Blewitt, A. Pancha, M. Richards, C. Helm-Clark, L. Shevenell, G. Raines, G. Johnson, T. Minor, and T. Boyd Geothermal potential map of the Great Basin, western United States
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Map 151, 2005.
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Chamot-Rooke, N., A. Rabaute, and C. Kreemer Western Mediterranean Ridge mud belt correlates with active shear strain at the prism-backstop contact
Geology, Vol. 33, p. 861-864, 2005.
Holt, W.E., C. Kreemer, A.J. Haines, L. Estey, C. Meertens, G. Blewitt, and D. Lavalleé, 2005. Project helps constrain continental dynamics and seismic hazards. EOS Transactions AGU, Vol. 86, p. 383,387.
Clarke, P.J., D.A. Lavallée, G. Blewitt, T.M. van Dam, and J.M. Wahr Effect of gravitational consistency and mass conservation on seasonal
surface mass loading models
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 32, No. 8, L08306, 2005    
Le Pichon, X., C. Kreemer, and N. Chamot-Rooke, 2005. Asymmetry in elastic properties and the evolution of large continental strike-slip faults, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, B03405, doi:10.1029/2004JB003343.
Burbey, T.J., S.M. Warner, G. Blewitt, J.W. Bell and E. Hill Three-dimensional deformation and strain induced by municipal pumping, part 1: Analysis of field data
Journal of Hydrology,
doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2005.06.028, 2005.
Blewitt, G., W. C. Hammond, and C. Kreemer, 2005, Relating geothermal resources to Great Basin tectonics Using GPS, Geothermal Resource Council Transactions, 29, 331-335.
Blewitt, G., 2004. Fundamental ambiguity in the definition of vertical motion. In T. van Dam & O. Francis (eds.): Cahiers du Centre Europeen de Geodynamique et de Seismologie, 23, 1-4.
Hammond, W.C. and W. Thatcher, 2004. Contemporary tectonic deformation of the Basin and Range province, western United States: 10 years of observation with the Global Positioning System. J. Geophys. Res., 109(B8), 8403, doi:10.1029/2003JB002746.
Hammond, W.C., 2004. Vertical motion of the Basin and Range, western United States from 10 Years of Campaign GPS. In T. van Dam & O. Francis (eds): Cahiers du Centre European de Geodynamique et de Seismologie, Vol. 23, p. 131-136.
Gross, R.S., G. Blewitt , P.J. Clarke, and D. Lavallée Degree-2 harmonics of the Earth's mass load estimated from GPS and Earth rotation data
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 31, L07601, doi:10.1029/2004GL019589, 2004    
Hill, Emma and Geoffrey Blewitt, 2004. Analysis of Vertical Velocities from BARGEN Continuous GPS data at Yucca Mountain, Southern Nevada. In T. van Dam & O. Francis (eds.): Cahiers du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie, Vol. 23, p. 125-129.
Kreemer, C. , N. Chamot-Rooke, and X. Le Pichon, 2004. Constraints on the evolution and vertical coherency of deformation in the Northern Aegean from a comparison of geodetic, geologic, and seismologic data, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 225, 329-346.
Kreemer, C. and N. Chamot-Rooke, 2004. Contemporary kinematics of the southern Aegean and the Mediterranean Ridge, Geophysical Journal International, 157, 1377-1392.
Smith, K.D., D. von Seggern, G. Blewitt , L. Preston, J.G. Anderson, B.P. Wernicke, J.L. Davis, 2004. Evidence for deep magma injection beneath Lake Tahoe, Nevada-California. Science, doi:10.1126/science.1101304.
Faulds, J.E., M. Coolbaugh, G. Blewitt, and C.D. Henry Why is Nevada in hot water? Structural controls and tectonic model of geothermal systems in the northwestern Great Basin
Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 28, pp. 649-654., 2004.
Shevenell, L., M. Coolbaugh, J. Faulds, G. Oppliger, W. Calvin, J. Louie, G. Blewitt, C. Kratt, G. Arehart, C. Sladek, P. Lechler, and L. Garside Accomplishments at the Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy
Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 28: 47-52, 2004.
Blewitt, G. and P. Clarke Inversion of Earth's changing shape to weigh sea level in static equilibrium with surface mass redistribution
Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (B6), 2311, doi:10.1029/2002JB002290, 2003    
Blewitt, G., 2003. Self-consistency in reference frames, geocenter definition, and surface loading of the solid Earth, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(B2) 210, doi: 10.1029/2002JB002082.
Hammond, W.C. and D. R. Toomey, 2003. Seismic velocity anisotropy and heterogeneity beneath the Mantle Electromagnetic and Tomography Experiment (MELT) region of the East Pacific Rise from analysis of P and S body waves.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, No. B4, 2176, doi:10.1029/2002JB001789.
Kreemer, C. , W.E. Holt, and A.J. Haines, 2003. An integrated global model of present-day plate motions and plate boundary deformation. Geophysical Journal International, 154, 8-34.
Blewitt, G., M. Coolbaugh, W. Holt, C. Kreemer, J. Davis, and R. Bennett Targeting of potential geothermal resources in the Great Basin from regional- to basin-scale relationships between geodetic strain and geological structures
Transactions Geothermal Resources Council, Vol. 27, p. 3-7, 2003.
Bell, J.W., F. Amelung, A.R. Ramelli, and G. Blewitt, 2002. Land subsidence in Las Vegas, Nevada, 1935-2000: New geodetic data show evolution, revised spatial patterns, and reduced rates.Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, Vol. 8, No. 3, p. 155-174.
Blewitt, G., and D. Lavallée Effect of annual signals on geodetic velocity
Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 107(B7), 10.1029/2001JB000570, 2002    
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Blewitt, G, and D. Lavallee Bias in geodetic site velocity due to annual signals
in "Vistas for Geodesy in the New Millenium", Int. Assoc. Geod. Symposia Vol. 125, p. 499-500, 2002
Blewitt G., and G. Taylor Mapping Dilution of Precision (MDOP) and Map Matched GPS
Int. Journ. of GIS, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 55-67, 2002    
Bos, M. S., Baker, T. F., Røthing, K., and Plag, H.-P. Testing ocean tide models in the nordic seas with tidal gravity observations
Geophysical Journal International, 150, 687-694, 2002.    
Evans, A.G., (ed.), R.W. Hill (ed.), G. Blewitt, E. Swift, T.P. Yunck, R. Hatch, S.M. Lichten, S. Malys, J. Bossler, and J.P. Cunningham The Global Positioning System Geodesy Odyssey
Navigation, Journ. of the Inst. of Navigation, Vol. 49(1), 7-34., (invited), Spring 2002.    
Kreemer, C. , W.E. Holt, and A.J. Haines, 2002. The global moment rate distribution within plate boundary zones. In S. Stein and J.T. Freymueller (eds.): Plate Boundary Zones, Geodynamics Series, Vol. 30, 10/1029/030GD10, AGU, Washington DC.
Lavallée, D., and G. Blewitt Degree-one Earth deformation from very long baseline interferometry
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 29(20), doi:10.1029/2002GL015883, 2002    
Blewitt, G., M. Coolbaugh, W. E. Holt, C. Kreemer, J. L. Davis, and R. A. Bennett, 2002, Targeting of Potential Geothermal Resources in the Great Basin from Regional Relationships between Geodetic Strain and Geological Structures, Transactions Geothermal Resources Council, 26, 523-526.
Altamimi, Z., D. Angermann, D. Argus, G. Blewitt, C. Boucher, B. Chao, H. Drewes, R. Eanes, M. Feissel, R. Ferland, T. Herring, B. Holt, J. Johannson, K. Larson, C. Ma, J. Manning, C. Meertens, A. Nothnagel, E. Pavlis, G. Petit, J. Ray, John Ries, H.-G. Scherneck, P. Sillard, and M. Watkins, 2001. The terrestrial reference frame and the dynamic Earth, Eos, Transactions, Am. Geophys. U., 82, No. 25, 273-279.
Blewitt, G., D. Lavallée, P. Clarke, and K. Nurutdinov A new global mode of Earth deformation: Seasonal cycle detected
Science, Vol. 294, No. 5550, pp.2,342-2,345    
Kreemer, C. and W.E. Holt, 2001. A no-net-rotation model of present-day surface motions. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 4407-4410.
Sanli, D.U., and G. Blewitt Geocentric sea level trend using GPS and >100-year tide gauge record on a postglacial rebound nodal line
Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 106, No. B1, p. 713, 2001    
Taylor, G., G. Blewitt, D. Steup, S. Corbett, and A. Car Road Reduction Filtering for GPS-GIS Navigation
Transactions in GIS, Vol. 5(3), pp. 193-207, 2001.
van Dam, T., J. Wahr, P.C.D. Milly, A.B. Shmakin, G. Blewitt, D. Lavallée, and K.M. Larson Crustal displacements due to continental water loading
Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 651-654, 2001    
Blewitt, G. Geodetic network optimization for geophysical parameters
Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 27, No. 22, pp. 3,615-3,618, 2000    
Davies, P., and G. Blewitt Methodology for global geodetic time series estimation: A new tool for geodynamics
Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 105, No. B5, pp. 11,083-11,100, 2000    
Hammond, W.C. and E. D. Humphreys Upper mantle seismic wave attenuation: the effect of realistic partial melt distribution
Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, pp. 10,987-10,999, 2000    
Hammond, W.C. and E. D. Humphreys Upper mantle seismic wave attenuation: the effect of realistic partial melt geometries
Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, pp. 10,975-10,986, 2000    
Kreemer, C. , J. Haines, W.E. Holt, G. Blewitt , and D. Lavallée On the determination of a global strain rate model
Earth Planets and Space, 52, 765-770, 2000    
and Appendix
Kreemer, C. and W.E. Holt What caused the March 25, 1998 Antarctic plate earthquake?; inferences from regional stress and strain rate fields
Geophysical Research Letters, 27 , 2297-2300, 2000    
Kreemer, C. , W.E. Holt, S. Goes, and R. Govers, 2000. Active deformation in eastern Indonesia and the Philippines from GPS and seismicity data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 663-680.
Taylor, G. and Blewitt, G. Virtual differential GPS & road reduction filtering by map matching
in Proc. of ION'99, Twelfth International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, Nashville, USA, held 14-17 Sept. 1999, pp 1675-1684, 2000    
Gregorius, T.L.H. and G. Blewitt Modeling weather fronts to improve GPS heights: A new tool for GPS meteorology?
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 104, No. B7, p. 15,261-15,279, 1999    
Blewitt G.
GPS Data Processing Methodology: From Theory to
in GPS for Geodesy, p. 231-270, eds. P.J.G. Teunissen and
A. Kleusberg, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 3-540-63661-7, 1998.
Gregorius, T., and G. Blewitt The effect of weather fronts on GPS Measurements
GPS World, Vol. 9, p. 52-60, 1998.
Blewitt G.
Global Positioning Satellites
in Macmillan Encyclopedia of
the Earth Sciences, p. 432-436, Macmillan, New York, ISBN 0-02-883000-8, 1998
Ambrosius, B., G. Beutler, G. Blewitt, and R.E. Neilan, 1998. The Role of GPS in the WEGENER Project, Journal of Geodynamics, 25, p. 213-240.
Blewitt, G., C. Boucher, P.B.H. Davies, M.B. Heflin, T.A. Herring, and J. Kouba ITRF densification and continuous realization by the IGS
in Advances in Positioning and Reference Frames, Ed. by F. Bruner, International Association of Geodesy Vol. 118, p. 8-17, Springer, ISBN 3-540-64604-3, 1998
Kreemer, C. , R. Govers, K.P. Furlong, and W.E. Holt, 1998. Plate boundary deformation between the Pacific and North America in the Explorer region, Tectonophysics, 293, 225-238.
Plag, H.-P., B. Ambrosius, T. Baker, G. Beutler. G. Bianco, G. Blewitt, C. Boucher, J. Davis, J. Degnan, J. Johansson, H.-G. Kahle, I. Kumkova, I. Marson, St. Mueller, E. Pavlis, B. Richter, W. Spakman, S. K. Tatevian, P. Tomasi, P. Wilson, S. Zerbini, 1998. Scientific Objectives of Current and Future WEGENER Activities, Tectonophysics, 294, 117-223.
D. R. Toomey, W. S. D. Wilcock, S. C. Solomon, W. C. Hammond and J. A. Orcutt, 1998. Mantle Seismic Structure Beneath the MELT Region of the East Pacific Rise from P and S Wave Tomography, Science, 280, 1,224-1,227.
For earlier publications, please see the staff's personal webpages.
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