Refereed Articles


Hammond, W. C., Blewitt, G., Li, Z., Plag, H.-P., Kreemer, C., 2012. Contemporary uplift of the Sierra Nevada, western U.S. from GPS and InSAR measurements. Geology, 27, doi: 10.1130/G32968.1.


C. A. Katsman, A. Sterl, J. J. Beersma, H. W. van den Brink, J. A. Church, W. Hazeleger, R. E. Kopp, D. Kroon, J. Kwadijk, R. Lammersen, J. Lowe, M. Oppenheimer, H.-P. Plag, J. Ridley, H. von Storch, D. G. Vaughan, P. Vellinga, L. L. A. Vermeersen, R. S. W. van de Wal, R. Weisse, 2011. Exploring high-end scenarios for local sea level rise to develop flood protection strategies for a low-lying delta - the Netherlands as an example. Climatic Change, DOI: 10.1007/s10584-011-0037-5.

Plag, H.-P. & Miller, N. L., 2011. Applying Geodesy to Hydrologic Cycle Monitoring. EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 92, 136.


Plag, H.-P., Miller, N. L., 2010. Third Annual IGCP 565 Workshop: Separating hydrological and tectonic signals in geodetic observations, Episodes, 33(4), 273-277. Not referred.


Blewitt, G., Hammond, W. C., Kreemer, C., Plag, H.-P., Stein, S., & Okal, E., 2009. GPS for realtime earthquake source determination and tsunami warning systems, J. Geodesy, 83, 335-343, doi 10.1007/s00190-008-0262-5.

Plag, H.-P., Gross, R., Rothacher, M., 2009. Global Geodetic Observing System for Geohazards and Global Change. Geosciences, BRGM's journal for a sustainable Earth, 9, 96-103 (pdf, high res. pdf).


Kierulf, H. P., Plag, H. P., Bingley, R. M., Teferle, N., Demir, C., Cingoz, A., Yildiz, H., Garate, J., Davila, J. M., Silva, C. G., Zdunek, R., Jaworski, L., Martinez-Benjamin, J. J., Orus, P., & Aragon, A., 2008. Comparison of GPS analysis strategies for high-accuracy vertical land motion, Phys. Chem. Earth, 33, 194-204, doi:10.1016/j.pce.2006.11.003. Get the article ....

Plag, H.-P. and Zerbini, S., 2008. Geodetic observations help understanding geohazards and mitigate disasters, Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union., 89, doi:10.1029/2008EO170003.

Teferle, N., Williams, S. D. P., Kierulf, H. P., Bingley, R. M., & Plag, H.-P., 2008. A continuous GPS coordinate time series analysis strategy for high-accuracy vertical land movements, Phys. Chem. Earth, 33, 205-216, doi:10.1016/j.pce.2006.11.002. Get the article ....


Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C., Hammond, W., Plag, H.-P., Stein, S., & Okal, E., 2006. Rapid determination of earthquake magnitude using GPS for tsunami warning systems, Geophys. Res. Letters, 33, L11309, doi:10.1029/2006GL026145.

Garcia, M. J., Perez, B. G., Raicich, F., Rickards, L., Bradshaw, E., Plag, H.-P., Zhang, X., & Bye, B. L., 2006. Observing site oriented sea level monitoring - implementation of ESEAS quality control. In Tregoning, P. and Rizos, C. (eds.): Dynamic Planet - Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Volume 130, 67-70, Springer Verlag, Berlin.

Kreemer, C., Blewitt, G., Hammond, W. C., & Plag, H.-P., 2006. Global deformations from the great 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake observed by GPS: implications for rupture process and global reference frame, Earth Planets Space, 58, 141-148 (pdf).

Mathur, A. R., Ventura-Traveset, J., Montefusco, C., Toran, F., Plag, H.-P., Ruiz, L., Stojkovic, I., & Levy, J. C., 2006. Provision of emergency communciation messages through SBAS: the ESA ALIVE concept, in ION GNSS 2005 Proceedings, Long Beach, California, 2969-2975, Institute of Navigation, USA (pdf).

Plag, H.-P., 2006. Estimating recent global sea level changes. In Tregoning, P. and Rizos, C. (eds.): Dynamic Planet - Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Volume 130, 39-48, Springer Verlag, Berlin. (pdf)

Plag, H.-P., 2006. GGOS and it user requirements, linkage and outreach. In Tregoning, P. and Rizos, C. (eds.): Dynamic Planet - Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Volume 130, 711-718, Springer Verlag, Berlin. (pdf)

Plag, H.-P., 2006. National geodetic infrastructure: Current status and future requirements -- the example of Norway. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Bulletin, 112, 91 pages. (pdf)

Plag, H.-P., 2006. Recent relative sea level trends: an attempt to quantify the forcing factors, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, A, 364, 1841-1869, (pdf)

Plag, H.-P., Beutler, G., Forsberg, R., Ma, C., Neilan, R., Pearlman, M., Richter, B., & Zerbini, S., 2006. Linking the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) to the Integrated Global Observing Strategy Partnership (IGOS-P) through the Theme 'Earth System Dynamics'. In Tregoning, P. and Rizos, C. (eds.): Dynamic Planet - Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Volume 130, 727-734, Springer Verlag, Berlin. (pdf)

Plag, H.-P., Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C., & Hammond, W. C., 2006. Solid Earth deformations induced by the Sumatra earthquakes of 2004-2005: GPS detection of co-seismic displacements and tsunami-induced loading. In Tregoning, P. and Rizos, C. (eds.): Dynamic Planet - Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Volume 130, 549-556, Springer Verlag, Berlin. (pdf)

Poutanen, M., Knudsen, P., Lilje, M., Norbech, T., Plag, H.-P., & Scherneck, H.-G., 2006. The Nordic Geodetic Observing System. In Tregoning, P. and Rizos, C. (eds.): Dynamic Planet - Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Volume 130, 749-756, Springer Verlag, Berlin. (pdf)

Sato, T., Okumo, J., Hinderer, J., MacMillan, D., Plag, H.-P., Francis, O., Falk, R., & Fukuda, Y., 2006. A geophysical interpretation of the secular displacement and gravity rates observed at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard in the Arctic - Effect of post-glacial rebound and present-day ice melting, Geophys. J. Int., 165, 729-743.

Sato, T., Boy, J. P., Tamura, Y., Matsumato, K., Asari, K., Plag, H.-P., & Francis, O., 2006. Gravity tides and seasonal gravity varitations at Ny Aalesund, Svalbard in Arctic, J. Geodynamics, 41, 231-241.


Plag, H.-P., 2005. The GGOS as the backbone for global observing and local monitoring: A user driven perspective, J. Geodynamics, 40, 479-486. (pdf, doi:10.1016/j.jog.2005.06.012).

Plag, H.-P., Gross, R., Chao, B. F., & Van Dam, T., 2005. Forcing of polar motion in the Chandler frequency band: An opportunity to evaluate interannual climate variations, EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 86(3), 26. (pdf)

Poutanen, M., Knudsen, P., Lilje, M., Plag, H.-P., Scherneck, H.-G., 2005. NGOS - The Nordic Geodetic Observing System, nordic journal, 2,77-98 (, local pdf).


Bos, M. S., Baker, T. F., Røthing, K., & Plag, H.-P., 2002. Testing ocean tide models in the Nordic Seas with tidal gravity observations, Geophys. J. Int., 150, 687-694.


Sato, T., Asari, K., Tamura, Y., Plag, H.-P., Digre, H., Fukuda, Y., Hinderer, J., Kaminuma, K., & Hamano, Y., 2001. Continuous gravity observation at Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, Norway with a Superconducting Gravimeter CT#039, J. Geodetic Soc. Japan, 47, 341-346.

Plag, H.-P. & Jüttner, H.-U., 2001. Inversion of global tide gauge data for present-day ice load changes, in Proceed. Second Int. Symp. on Environmental research in the Arctic and Fifth Ny-Ålesund Scientific Seminar, edited by T. Yamanouchi, no. Special Issue, No. 54 in Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar research, pp. 301-317. (pdf)


Plag, H.-P., 2000. Integration of geodetic techniques into a global Earth monitoring system and its implication for Earth system sciences, in Towards an Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System, edited by R. Rummel, H. Drewes, W. Bosch, & H. Hornik, vol. 120 of International Association of Geodesy Symposia, pp. 73-83, Springer, Berlin. (pdf)


Plag, H.-P. & Tsimplis, N., 1999. Temporal variability of the seasonal sea-level cycle in the North Sea and Baltic Sea in relation to climate variability, Global and Planetary Change, 20, 173-203.


Plag, H.-P., 1998. Space-geodetic contributions to global-change research at Ny-Ålesund, in Proceedings for the 27-th Int. Symp. on Remote Sensing of Environment: Information for Sustainability, June 8-12, 1998, Tromsø, Norway, pp. 227-231, Norwegian Space Centre.

Plag, H.-P., Ambrosius, B., Baker, T. F., Beutler, G., Bianco, G., Blewitt, G., Boucher, C., Davis, J. L., Degnan, J. J., Johansson, J. M., Kahle, H.-G., Kumkova, I., Marson, I., Mueller, S., Pavlis, E. C., Pearlman, M. R., Richter, B., Spakman, W., Tatevian, S. K., Tomasi, P., Wilson, P., & Zerbini, S., 1998. Scientific objectives of current and future WEGENER activities, Tectonophysics, 294, 177-223.

Plag, H.-P., Engen, B., Clark, T. A., Degnan, J. J., & Richter, B., 1998. Post-glacial rebound and present-day three-dimensional deformations, J. Geodynamics, 25, 263-301.

Zerbini, S., Baker, T., Pezzoli, L., Plag, H.-P., & Romagnoli, C., 1998. Height variations and secular changes in sea-level, J. Geodynamics, 25, 241-262.


Rautenberg, V., Plag, H.-P., Burns, M., Stedman, G. E., & Jüttner, H.-U., 1997. Tidally induced Sagnac signal in a ring laser, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 893-896.

Zerbini, S., Plag, H.-P., Richter, B., & Romagnoli, C., 1997. Monitoring sea-level rise in the Mediterranean, in Transformations and evolutions of the Mediterranean coastline, edited by F. Briand & A. Maldonado, no. Special no. 18 in Bulletin Institut Oceanographique, pp. 187-208, Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la mer Méditerranée (CIESM).


Plag, H.-P., Austin, B., Belknap, D. F., Devoy, R. J. N., England, J., Josenhans, H., Peacock, J. D., Petersen, K. S., Rokoengen, K., Scourse, J. D., Smith, D. E., & Wingfield, R. T. R., 1996. Late Quaternary relative sea-level changes and the role of glaciation upon continental shelves, Terra Nova, 8, 213-222.

Plag, H.-P., Jüttner, H.-U., & Rautenberg, V., 1996. On the possibility of global and regional inversion of exogenic deformations for mechanical properties of the Earth's interior, J. Geodynamics, 21, 287-308.

Zerbini, S., Plag, H.-P., Baker, T., Becker, M., Billiris, H., Bürki, B., Kahle, H.-G., Marson, I., Pezzoli, L., Richter, B., Romangoli, C., Sztobryn, M., Tomasi, P., Tsimplis, M., Veis, G., & Verrone, G., 1996. Sea level in the Mediterranean: a first step towards separation of crustal movements and absolute sea-level variations, Global and Planetary Change, 14, 1-48.


Plag, H.-P. & Jüttner, H.-U., 1995. Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities of a self-gravitating Earth, J. Geodynamics, 20, 267-288.


Gröger, M. & Plag, H.-P., 1993. Estimations of a global sea level trend: Limitations from the structure of the PSMSL global sea level data set, Global and Planetary Change, 8, 161-179.

Prior to 1990:

Asch, G., Elstner, C., Jentzsch, G., & Plag, H.-P., 1986. On the estimation of significant periodic and aperiodic gravity variations in the time series of neighbouring stations - Part I: Tidal signals, in Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Earth Tides, edited by Vieira, R., pp. 239-250, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, Spain.

Asch, G., Elstner, C., Jentzsch, G., & Plag, H.-P., 1986. On the estimation of significant periodic and aperiodic gravity variations in the time series of neighbouring stations -Part II: Non-tidal signals, in Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Earth Tides, edited by Vieira, R., pp. 251-262, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, Spain.

Asch, G., Jahr, T., Jentzsch, G., Kiviniemi, A., Kääriäinen, J., Plag, H.-P., & Thiel, W., 1986. Loading tides along the 'Blue Road' Geotraverse in Fennoscandia, in Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Earth Tides, edited by Vieira, R., pp. 707-718, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, Spain.

Plag, H.-P., 1986. Temporal variations of ocean tides, in Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Earth Tides, edited by Vieira, R., pp. 595-608, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, Spain.

Plag, H.-P., 1984. Water level changes along the Norwegian coast, Mar. Geophys. Res., 7, 283-297.

Asch, G., Jahr, T., Jentzsch, G., Plag, H.-P., & Scholz, H., 1983. A gravity profile along the Blue Road Geotraverse, in Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Earth Tides, August 17-22, 1981, edited by Kuo, J.T., pp. 585-592, E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart.

Plag, H.-P. & Jahr, T., 1983. On processing of tidal data, BIM, 89, 5759-5786.