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- sea level
HR: 17:45h
AN: GC54A-08
TI: Reducing uncertainties of local sea level projections for developing climate-change mitigation strategies
AU: Plag, H P
EM: hpplag@unr.edu
AF: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology and Seismological Laboratory, University of Nevada,
Reno, Reno, NV , United States
AU: * Miller, N L
EM: nlmiller@Berkeley.edu
AF: Climate Science Department
& Geography Department, Berkeley National Laboratory
& University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, United States
Changes in Local Sea Level (LSL) may be one of the major climate change impacts requiring expensive coastal
protection measures or severe adaptation strategies. In many countries, decision makers are increasingly facing
decisions of whether to burden national economies with costs for coastal protection, or to risk major disasters.
The decision to rebuild (e.g. New Orleans) or abandon cities or island nations (e.g. Maldives) under incrreasing
risk of being devastated by a combination of storm surge and rising LSL requires an understanding of the
uncertainties. Today's planning decisions will have long term implications for mitigating the potential of a slowly
developing LSL rise disaster. Informed decisions will only be possible if predictions of the range of future LSL
rise are made available with reliable uncertainties.
State-of-the-science Earth system models cannot reliably predict climate-induced changes in LSL, hence policy-
makers lack needed tools for determining best mitigation strategies. Local secular changes in LSL are the result
of a location-dependent mix of various factors, including steric changes, ocean and atmospheric circulation
changes, mass exchange of the ocean with terrestrial water storage and the cryosphere, and the vertical motion
of the land. A major uncertainty is contributed by the uncertain response of large ice sheets on Greenland and
Antarctica to climate change. Therefore, Probability Density Functions (PDF) attached to the IPCC predictions for
global temperature changes over the next 100 years cannot be translated easily into PDFs for global sea level
changes, and even less so for any LSL changes.
We will present an observation-based approach for the prediction and probabilities of LSL changes for a wide
range of scenarios needed to assess plausible future LSL trajectories at any given location. Identifying the major
contributions to the uncertainties and determining their weight with respect to the overall PDF for LSL changes
will help to pinpoint steps to reduce these uncertainties. Quantifying LSL change PDFs and providing this
information to regional policy-makers will help to develop comprehensive strategies that will be better understood
and accepted.
DE: 1622 Earth system modeling (1225)
DE: 1626 Global climate models (3337, 4928)
DE: 1637 Regional climate change
DE: 1641 Sea level change (1222, 1225, 4556)
DE: 6309 Decision making under uncertainty
SC: Global Climate Change [GC]
MN: 2008 Joint Assembly