In the case of global climate change, the study of emission scenarios lead to a Probability Density Function (PDF) for future changes in global temperature. A key question, not only for LSL, for which of the impact parameter this PDF can be used to construct similar PDFs, that would then help policymakers in their decision process. Being the result of many global, regional, and local processes, LSL cannot be easily related to global temperature. Even for individual contributions, such as thermal expansion, the relation is not linear or simple. Even if, for a given location, we would be able to establish a relation between LSL and global temperature variations based on past observations, we have no reason to believe that this relation also holds in the future. At each coastal location, LSL is the result of a mix of contributions with the weight of the individual contributions being variable in space and time. Consequently, the PDF for future changes in global temperature is of little help for our problem.